Investigating Positive and Negative Utilities of Red Light Cameras through a...
Driver behavior at intersections equipped with a Red Light Camera (RLC) are influenced by many factors, including the fear of being fined for crossing the intersection during the red signal. This...
View ArticleOptimizing Signal Timings to Improve Safety of Signalized Arterials
One way to improve safety of signalized arterials is to optimize signal timings. Historically, signal retiming tools were used to reduce traffic delay and stops and other measures of traffic...
View ArticleNew Measure Quantifying Drivers’ Decision Making Behavior while Facing Amber...
For years, great attention has been drawn to the Dilemma Zone (DZ) problem as it has been questioned as one of the causes to the high traffic accident records at signalized junctions. This problem has...
View ArticleIntelligent Transportation Systems 2013: Connected Vehicles and Cooperative...
This issue contains 13 papers concerned with the connected vehicle and cooperative system aspects of intelligent transportation systems. Specific topics addressed include the following: a roadway...
View ArticleWalkability Analysis for Chinese Transit Oriented Development: A Case Study...
The principle of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) is by now well known around the world. TOD consists in creating vibrant, compact, mixed use and walkable communities around transit stations, while...
View ArticleModeling and Assessing Crossing Elimination for No-Notice Evacuations
Crossing elimination is a relatively recent strategy that emergency managers and departments of transportation may consider during no-notice evacuations. In this strategy, certain movements at...
View ArticleRoundabouts Along Rural Arterials in South Africa
The use of roundabouts in both an urban and rural context have been gaining ground over the past twenty years not only in South Africa, but also in many other parts of the world. Apart from the...
View ArticleSystem Partition Method to Improve Arterial Signal Coordination
A heuristic approach to the application of bandwidth-oriented signal coordination is proposed based on a system partition technique. The proposed approach divides a long signalized arterial into...
View ArticleAdaptive Model-Based Offset Optimization for Congested Arterial Network
Proper determination and application of intersection offsets provide for the efficient movement of platoons through multiple intersections during the green signal. Generally, two major strategies for...
View ArticleApplying Least Squares Support Vector Machines for Prediction of...
The prediction of red-light running (RLR) at a signalized intersection is a crucial component of dynamic all-red extension (DARE) that avoids potential collisions caused by RLR behaviors. Previous...
View ArticleModeling Time to Clear Right-Turn-on-Red Traffic on Minor Street
Detector delay is one of the most useful detector settings that can be used to directly modify service calls to the signal controller by suppressing the actuation signal for a short period of time....
View ArticleDevelopment and Evaluation of Adaptive Transit Signal Priority Control with...
Transit Signal Priority (TSP) strategies have been widely applied to reduce bus travel delay and increase bus service reliability. Conventional TSP strategies aim to help buses cross intersections...
View ArticleA Link-Queue Approach to Traffic Statics and Dynamics in Signalized Networks
Understanding traffic statics and dynamics in urban networks is very critical and also helpful in developing signal control strategies and solving network traffic problems. In this paper, a link queue...
View ArticlePerformance Measures of Manual Multimodal Traffic Signal Control
Traffic control agencies (TCA), including police officers, firefighters or other traffic law enforcement officers, who override automatic traffic signal control, are crucial to mitigate non-recurrent...
View ArticleReal-Time Estimation of Intersection Turning Proportions from Exit Counts
Estimation of intersection origin-destination (OD) matrices is a frequently-encountered problem in transportation management operations. In particular, advanced traffic responsive arterial...
View ArticlePhase-Based Automatic Estimation of Turning Movement Counts at Signalized...
A variety of sensor technologies, such as loop detectors, traffic cameras, and radar, have been developed for real-time traffic monitoring at intersections most of which are limited to providing link...
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