Red-light running behaviors of bicycle riders at crossing facilities lead to a large number of traffic conflicts and high collision potentials. The primary objective of this study is to analyze the characteristics of red-light running behaviors of electric bicycles and conventional bicycles at signalized bicycle crossing facilities. Two types of facilities including the signalized intersection crossings and signalized segment crossings were considered in this study. Based on the data collected from 16 signalized bicycle crossing facilities in China, the features and temporal distributions of bicycle riders' red-light running behaviors were analyzed for each facility type. Two binary logit (BL) models were estimated to identify the contributing factors that affected the red-light running behaviors. The results showed that there were more red-light runners at signalized intersection bicycle crossings than signalized segment crossings. A red-light running behavior was more likely to happen at the beginning and end of each red-light cycle. The model estimates showed that the red light running behaviors were significantly influenced by physical environmental factors, including roadway with, presence of raised median, separation width, countdown type, green ratio, two-wheelers volume, conflict traffic volume, and vehicle speed. The findings can help inform the design and planning of bicycle crossing facilities to reduce red-light running rates of electric bicycles and conventional bicycles.